Reiki Master Corene Summers joins Refractive to tell us all about Reiki, an ancient practice for managing and “cleaning” our energy. Corene explains its healing and wellness benefits, including her own life-changing story: Reiki helped end 10 years of physical ailments that was seemingly beyond medical treatment. Finally, Corene shares some simple guidance for anyone who wants to learn more or to start applying its methods and principles.
Find Corene at www.ArtisanFarmacy.com where you can learn about her services as a business coach, healer, and teacher of Reiki. You can also find her podcast Frequency Shifters at www.artisanfarmacy.com/frequency-shifters-podcast or by searching on your favorite platform.
For similarly themed episodes, try Learning to Use Intuition or Guided Meditation: Breath and Body Awareness.
Automated episode transcript follows here- please excuse any misinterpretations by the transcription software.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of Refractive. I’m your host, Johnny G. Corinne Summers is the founder of Artisan Pharmacy. That’s pharmacy with an F. She’s a Reiki master teacher energy healer. She’s a business coach for conscious entrepreneurs.
00:01:01:14 – 00:01:18:11
She’s a meditation and mindfulness coach. She’s a corporate wellness specialist and a yoga instructor, too. She studied throughout the U.S., India, Tibet, Nepal, Spain and Australia. You can reach out to Karrine with any questions at hello at Artisan Pharmacy dot com.
00:01:18:15 – 00:01:34:15
And again, that’s pharmacy with an f, not a h. Welcome, Corinne. It’s so nice to have you with us. Thank you for that introduction and thank you for having me. People, always people always get that wrong with the even if I say pharmacy, it’s like a farm pharmacy.
00:01:34:15 – 00:01:53:14
Why people will still smell it the other way. But you know, the whole idea that we have so much in nature that we can access to use it for our own health and well-being to relieve stress and anxiety and improve or raise our frequency, raise our vibration?
00:01:53:22 – 00:02:05:06
And so it’s kind of a play on words there. I have a shop that has all kinds of tools and products that you can use to improve it, live it, live a toxin, free life and benefit from all of the beauty that nature has given us.
00:02:05:15 – 00:02:20:00
It’s excellent. I have to say one of my closest friends from childhood, her name is Corinne, and it’s spelled very similar to your name. So if I pronounce your name, Corinne, please know that it’s just falling into these, into these old habits.
00:02:20:15 – 00:02:32:04
But I do want to make sure and show you the respect of calling you Corene, as is your name. But thank you for your patience with that. Oh, no worries at all. Most people call me Corinne, so I won’t.
00:02:32:12 – 00:02:46:21
It doesn’t bother me one bit. But the Corinne, as from my two grandmothers, Cora and Irene, so my mom put them together. So nobody else is actually named that it’s okay. You’re mine, just like pharmacy and pharmacy. Your mind automatically wants to do what you know.
00:02:46:22 – 00:03:08:01
So I don’t know. Definitely. No hard feelings here. Absolutely. Where are you broadcasting from today? Today I’m in Pittsburgh, so I’ve lived all over. I spent time in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Illinois and Seattle. And then I’ve been splitting my time between Pittsburgh and New York City since the pandemic.
00:03:08:11 – 00:03:23:12
Closer to family. And yeah, just wanted to kind of transition back to be closer to to where my family was primarily just like Mr. Rogers happened back and forth from Pittsburgh to NYC back and forth every week, you know, keeping my fun.
00:03:24:03 – 00:03:41:22
I was surprised by how beautiful Pittsburgh was the first time I went there. I, you know, I expect here. What’s that? You’ve been here? Yeah. Well, you know, I lived in Philadelphia for four years, and so I did have the opportunity to go out to Pittsburgh and visit and I expected it.
00:03:42:08 – 00:03:59:06
When you hear about the Rust Belt and I don’t know, I just expected it to look a little bit rundown. But when I got there, I was blown away with all the beautiful yellow bridges and, you know, the sleek skyscrapers, and there’s so much charm.
00:03:59:12 – 00:04:15:15
And I said, Wow, I really judge a book by its cover without even having been there. And so, you know, you certainly do live in a beautiful place. That’s great that you’ve been here, I agree the bridges are beautiful and it has such a pretty skyline with the rivers and everything of skyline and then the rivers, it
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just it’s really beautiful for especially a small city. Yeah. So today we’re talking about reiki, and this is something that I know is near and dear to your heart. And I just have a feeling that this is something it’s a concept that will be useful for the listeners today.
00:04:33:04 – 00:04:50:07
And I know that you’ve dedicated a lot of time and energy to, you know, to supporting people through Reiki healing. And so thank you for being willing to come on and share that knowledge, share that experience and help us all become a little more comfortable with Reiki.
00:04:50:07 – 00:05:03:13
So why don’t we start by you giving us just a high level overview of what it is and we can dig deeper as we go on? Wonderful. Yes, it’s a great place to start and I have a lot of I have done a lot of things.
00:05:03:13 – 00:05:24:13
I have a lot of titles and certifications, but my primarily primary modality is reiki and the chakras, so different types of energetic hygiene practices I like to call them. But we’ll start with my favorite and the most basic description, which is from one of my best friends and another coach.
00:05:24:19 – 00:05:40:14
His name’s Alex Terranova. And he said, You know, Reiki is kind of like that feeling you get when a little puppy runs up to you and jumps up to you and starts to lick your face. You know you just like you can’t help but smile like you feel really happy.
00:05:40:14 – 00:05:53:03
You feel really you like, instantly feel good. And I just love that because it was so true when he said it, I just laughed out loud. I was like, Man, you’re totally right. Is this like that feeling or anything, you know, that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside?
00:05:53:04 – 00:06:13:01
That’s usually how you feel after a reiki session or any time you’re using that practice. But more officially, it’s often referred to as a stress reduction and deep relaxation technique. So that’s kind of the main, you know, more formal description that’s used.
00:06:13:07 – 00:06:34:19
But I also think of it more as I mentioned energetic hygiene. So just like we brush our teeth or, you know, take care of our physical body and our mental body, maybe through education and meditation and things like that, there’s all these different techniques for different layers to our body, and these ancient practices also recognize our energetic
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body. It comes from the coaches you made. Have maybe you’ve heard of that, either, Veda? They talk a lot about these energy as well. So does Chinese medicine. So does it. What else talks a lot about that type of energy?
00:06:48:04 – 00:07:06:01
Reiki Chinese medicine and missing with the shock of the chakras. But it’s essentially being able to release things that you are stressed about or releasing physical tension. It’s recognizing where you need to heal, where you need to release and let go of things.
00:07:06:12 – 00:07:21:02
And then also opening the door for greater health and well-being, greater positivity. But it’s something that, you know, if we’re doing it all the time energetically, we usually we feel that we feel better. We feel generally those things that people crave or want in life.
00:07:21:02 – 00:07:36:01
We feel more positive or more relaxed and at ease, and we stay more in balance. So there’s less extremes on on the sides we have. It creates more of a state of a state of flow as you’re using these tools regularly.
00:07:36:14 – 00:07:55:21
That’s awesome. And I have to confess that I know so little about Reiki and as a part of my own spiritual path, I do a lot of energy work through visualizations. And yeah, I mean, visualizations is the way it is, is a way to talk about it.
00:07:55:21 – 00:08:13:23
I imagine different frequencies and colors and wavelengths and different energies. And I, you know, one of the biggest steps forward for me in this was when I was reading Eckhart Tolle is the power of now in my first months of spiritual seeking.
00:08:14:02 – 00:08:41:19
And he talked about how if you just concentrate on your hand, you’ll eventually start to feel the life force in your hand. You’ll just feel the tingling. And once I experienced that and I was able to. Guide the sensation around my body to different parts of my body that opened the door for me in my meditations and
00:08:41:19 – 00:09:07:01
in my quiet practices to start to direct the flow of my energy, according to whatever my intuition told me to do not having any training, not having any background information on it. And then as I moved into working with guided meditations, obviously there’s a lot of there’s a lot of working with your energy flow in some guided
00:09:07:01 – 00:09:24:17
meditation. So that was the next step for me. But this in understanding what makes a particular modality of energy work reiki. All of this, this is this is something that I’m not an expert in. So what is the what makes reiki reiki versus other type of energy work?
00:09:26:16 – 00:09:45:04
I love also that you like I know nothing about Reiki and then what you just described to me, you’re essentially already a Reiki level one practitioner because grades are like that knowledge and idea of activating your life force energy and then being able to send it to yourself around your body.
00:09:45:11 – 00:10:01:03
That’s essentially what we learn in Reiki level one, and then we move on and to learn how to also use it on friends and family, on pets. When you become a Reiki master, you can also do it distantly and then certify other reiki teachers and practitioners.
00:10:01:18 – 00:10:21:19
So that’s something that I do have a Reiki practitioner certification coming up here pretty soon, which I’m really excited about. But yeah, you’re already doing it, you’re turning on and activating your energy in the hands. So interestingly enough, there are considered an extension of the heart and the heart chakra or that energy center.
00:10:22:03 – 00:10:48:19
So, you know, we’re essentially using using the hands as a way to activate and then guide and direct the energy. But you never actually put your hands on on somebody and you know, with yourself as well. You’re you’re kind of directing the energy and it’s through, you know, you mentioned visualization, visualization and meditation are another really big
00:10:48:19 – 00:11:03:10
part of that. There’s also an invocation, so some specific language and a way of setting up each session that’s used that you learn when you become a practitioner and a master. But you know, that’s that’s exactly what we’re doing.
00:11:03:11 – 00:11:20:04
So I forget what the original question is. I’m sorry. Oh yeah. So what distinguishes reiki from, let’s say, other energy modalities? I imagine that there are many, many, many different ways of working with energy, and reiki is just one.
00:11:20:10 – 00:11:43:14
So could you help clarify a little bit on that? Yeah, absolutely, and the other one I missed earlier was shamanism, so that’s OK using energy and this idea also of intention. So when you’re doing any of these types of practices, there’s generally an intention for something to be healed or in a set of attention for something to
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come to the surface and be released. And so that’s how we have such a huge impact and that there’s usually an intention there. And then each modality is using different tools or techniques. So for instance, in something like shamanism, you know, we use drums and different instruments, feathers.
00:12:06:17 – 00:12:28:02
There’s also herbs like RappelĂ© and Campbell and different things ayahuasca, you know, different plant medicines that might be used. And then in something, you know, there’s there’s something different is going to be used in Chinese medicine. You know, that’s a lot of a lot of herbs, but also they’re really connected to the idea of G and universal
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life force energy. So again, that’s that’s another type of energy, energy healing. And then the chakras, you know, they also use different tools. So it’s a lot of the same ideas and principles and. Idea that we have power and we do have the ability we we don’t we can’t control everything, but there’s a lot that we can
00:12:50:04 – 00:13:06:17
control through our thought, through setting intentions and through tapping into those deeper layers of our of our human bodies. The idea that we have a spirit and a soul and an energy layer, that there’s an energetic function to us.
00:13:06:24 – 00:13:28:15
And we’re not just flesh, you know, physical form there, there’s a lot more than that. So it really resonated with me when I first started to read writings on how illness is a physical manifestation of an energy blockage or an energy issue.
00:13:28:22 – 00:13:53:19
And, you know, there are lots of divergent ideas on that. And you know, there is a school of thought that, you know, cancer is often related to unprocessed anger or fear or clenching and things like that. So I I would assume that when it comes to Reiki, one of the goals is to process these, let’s say, this
00:13:53:19 – 00:14:17:11
residue that emotions leave with us. So that is that what you mean when you talk about energy hygiene? Yeah, because it doesn’t specifically cure your disease, but it creates the environment that healing can occur. Yeah. So I had that idea shocked me, too.
00:14:17:11 – 00:14:31:01
I had Lyme disease. Since 2010, I’ve now put almost all of my symptoms into remission. But it was really it was really a difficult part of my awakening when I realized that I had actually manifested it through exactly what you just said.
00:14:31:01 – 00:14:46:05
Some fear, anger, trauma that I experienced through multiple unfortunate events that I dealt with very young in my life that left me in a bad place. And you know, that journey was part of what brought me here and to be a reiki master.
00:14:46:06 – 00:14:59:03
You know, I learned all this stuff because it was helping me and I wasn’t getting the answers I needed from Western medicine. Yes. And as soon as I started to implement all of these practices, my healing began. It’s taken me a long time, you know, because I was really sick.
00:14:59:13 – 00:15:17:21
But it has absolutely changed my life, and it is an absolute joy and honor. You know that I’m able to to give these tools to others. I’ve seen so much transformation and growth and the the gift of peace to and realizing that there is something you can do.
00:15:18:09 – 00:15:34:06
I think that’s hard when you’re dealing with a man with an autoimmune related or cancer. With so many diseases, we don’t have answers. And it can feel frustrating to be told that there’s no other door to open or that you just have to keep basically doing the same thing and you’re going to be sick forever.
00:15:34:13 – 00:15:56:02
Or there’s always a risk of of, you know, something else happening. So I felt really empowered by this knowledge and that I, you know, it gave me motivation again and really helped empower me to continue down my path and to keep trying and seeking better and better and better and better and get a really cool experience.
00:15:56:14 – 00:16:18:09
You know, it’s hard to flat out negate the power of energetics in physical healing. I mean, you hear all the time that doctors, you know, one of the things that makes such a big difference in the recovery of patients is if the patient believes it’s possible to recover, right?
00:16:18:10 – 00:16:41:02
If the patient has that attitude of optimism and is willing to work with the treatments and and believing the impact of the treatments, and you hear that all the time, all the time, this is not some crazy woo woo thing like this is literally doctors will tell you my patients who are on board with the treatment and
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who believe in the potential of the treatment do better than the patients who are hopeless. And so, I mean, how else can you explain it? But it’s a matter of managing your energy in a way to in a way that benefits you.
00:16:57:10 – 00:17:09:13
Oh, absolutely. There are actually a lot of hospitals. I don’t know the exact number I know at one point a couple of years ago it was like hundreds. But there are quite a few hospitals that have that use reiki.
00:17:09:14 – 00:17:25:24
They have reiki practitioners come into the hospital and actually do it right there at the hospital with the patients if it’s something that the patient wants. And the more knowledge we have about these things, you know, the more acceptance there is, the more inclusion of than there is.
00:17:26:07 – 00:17:37:01
And for a really long time, there has been the separation between western and eastern medicine. They work most beautifully together, right when we have, you know, that’s what I envision for our future that we’re able to use both.
00:17:37:09 – 00:18:01:13
There are definitely things that energetic healing, you know, reiki or setting an intention or using a drum like isn’t going to heal your you need surgery. You might need something really serious, right? But it’s understanding that we’re not just physical bodies, and I think that mind, body, spirit, kind of cohesion.
00:18:01:13 – 00:18:17:12
And when we create this harmony, we understand that we have these other layers. That’s why that allows everything else you’re doing to work and create that environment for growth and progress in whatever else you’re doing. Because you’re you’re recognizing, Oh yeah, I’m all these pieces.
00:18:17:12 – 00:18:33:19
I’m all these parts. There are other things that I need to consider. I’m not just one faceted, you know, as humans, I think we try to almost pigeonhole ourselves or try to be like everybody else. And what I love about these things is that they these practices recognize we are also energy.
00:18:34:04 – 00:18:50:22
It’s OK to have emotion. You’re going to have emotion flow through you. You have to let it flow. The more you resist, the more blockage, the more struggle you’re creating for yourself in different areas of your life. So accept yourself for who you are and where you are and love yourself for that.
00:18:50:22 – 00:19:07:03
And yeah, it’s a cool. It’s a beautiful philosophy. It is because, you know, what’s the difference between a living body and a dead body? You know what I mean? Like, like what is the difference between the body that starts to decay and fall apart and the body that is living and thriving?
00:19:07:04 – 00:19:29:03
It’s that there is this energy flowing through it. Right. There is this animating energy that exists, that that interacts with the physical aspects of the body. And through this intelligent design or whatever you want to call it, the body does these magical things right?
00:19:29:08 – 00:19:48:11
And so I think it’s shortsighted to look at to dismiss energetics as an important part of healthy physical living. You know, it just makes a lot of sense to me. I wonder. Go ahead, please. Have you ever taken a Reiki session yourself?
00:19:48:21 – 00:20:17:21
So I had a spiritual coach early in my path, and she did quite a bit of energy work sessions with me and she didn’t call it reiki. She just called it energy sessions where she would. It was remote, and she would spend time going through blockages densities in my energy field and things like that, so I was
00:20:17:21 – 00:20:39:16
so new to this spiritual path. I didn’t quite know what to make of it, but I felt mostly open minded toward it. I trusted her. I trusted her lifetime of a focus on this, and I trusted her breadth of knowledge on metaphysics and spirituality.
00:20:39:20 – 00:20:58:10
And so even though I didn’t understand what was happening, I surrendered myself to it and I definitely felt I could just I could just feel sensations moving throughout my body during them. So, you know? I guess that’s the best answer I could give you.
00:20:58:14 – 00:21:17:15
It sounds like there was some reiki modality going on in that. Yeah, it absolutely does, and it can be done distantly. And I’m a Reiki master, so I can do my sessions one on one sessions for my Reiki certification programs with people from my computer, which is great, especially since COVID happened.
00:21:18:08 – 00:21:32:07
And you it’s I love being with people in real life, and it’s something I miss so much, especially if you’re doing something like that and something hard comes up. It’s nice to be able to hug somebody or, you know, create another layer of your your your connection in the physical realm.
00:21:32:24 – 00:21:41:13
But in these days, it’s so wonderful that we can do it remotely. And you have, you know, I was a little when I went full fully like that. I’ve got to admit I was a little bit like worried.
00:21:41:13 – 00:21:53:21
I’m like, Is it going to be the same? Are people going to have the same impact or are they going to have the same level of success with this? And it has been the same. We we maybe maybe even stronger for some reason.
00:21:53:21 – 00:22:08:09
I don’t I don’t know what it is, but it’s created some really, really beautiful practices. And I’m sorry, I just totally lost my train of thought. Of course. Oh, come back. Yeah. Hmm. Where was I going to go with that one?
00:22:10:14 – 00:22:27:20
Would you tell us kind of what happens during a Reiki energy session? Yeah, and you’ll have to excuse my my cat here. Oh, cats are always like, I’m doing a reiki session or even talking about reiki. I swear I start to feel the energy and my cats.
00:22:27:20 – 00:22:45:16
I have two of them and they love it. They’ll come and sit on my lap, or they always want to be close by animals. It’s not. So what happens in a Reiki session when we’re any kind of reiki, such whether we’re in person or doing it distantly, you know, at first we’re going to talk a little bit
00:22:45:22 – 00:23:06:21
, especially if you’re new, get to know each other a little bit and talk about anything specific that you may want to address. So if there’s something physically going on or mentally, emotionally going on that you want to be addressed, I invite you to let me know so then I can spend your time directing, you know, the energy
00:23:06:21 – 00:23:20:22
towards that area, or I can just do it intuitively. If you don’t have something specific and you’re using it for more relaxation or if you’re not comfortable sharing and it’s amazing, the intuitive it’s a it works every time.
00:23:21:04 – 00:23:32:01
Yeah, even when I started it, I was doubting myself and I would just go with my gut and you know, you’re like, You have to you have to risk get got to get to know if this is this is working to make your gas.
00:23:32:06 – 00:23:46:10
And it was always spot on. So that always impresses me as well about about this energy and the way it works. So we might talk a little bit about that. And then the student is going to just get comfortable, relax, get under a blanket.
00:23:46:10 – 00:24:03:02
You can be in bed. Usually I invite you to lie down. It’s best if you’re lying down and just letting the body completely relax, letting the nervous system relax, play some gentle music, close your eyes and it’s like a meditation in that way or yoga.
00:24:03:02 – 00:24:24:03
Nedra if anyone has ever done a yoga teacher meditation, it’s also an ancient practice or meditation for sleep, for deep sleep. And so, yeah, you just you let go, relax and let the energy flow. And on my end, you know, I do, like I said, a little invocation and there are certain, you know, certain things that I
00:24:24:03 – 00:24:39:20
say to kind of get it started, certain things that I focus my attention on and visualize. And then we begin and the session might last. You can do 30 minutes, 45 minutes an hour and hours, usually usually the max.
00:24:40:02 – 00:24:58:24
Yeah. And you just you have your experience. And then afterwards we talk a little bit, share anything and ask any questions you might have. And yeah, that’s that’s about it. It’s pretty simple. It’s very similar to the meditation, but I think the impact in how you I think how you feel is different, right?
00:24:59:06 – 00:25:19:08
You know, there’s more sensory. You’re like, yes, tingling or warmth. You might have visualizations and see things. Some people feel like they go almost into a trance like state where they completely almost fall asleep or they go somewhere else and they feel like they went somewhere else and to another dimension and and came back.
00:25:19:15 – 00:25:41:23
So the experiences can be can be very different. You might have of emotion. You might cry. That’s just another way of the body releasing. Yeah. So other than just for energetic health, right? For for maintaining healthy energy, what are some reasons that someone would seek out a reiki energy work?
00:25:43:22 – 00:25:56:12
If you just want to feel more relaxed or at ease, if you want to raise your free weight, raise your frequency, raise your vibration, you know, just feel better, have more energy, feel more joyful, all of those things.
00:25:57:11 – 00:26:13:10
You know, I think it also works with, I believe a lot in that we are, you know, we attract things based on our energy. And I do a lot of work with visualization, as you mentioned in manifestation. And so an intention setting, those are all very related.
00:26:13:20 – 00:26:31:16
And, you know, as you improve your own health and well-being and all of these different areas mind, body, physical or spiritual as we improve our energy. And just that just means health, right? Like as we improve our health and we continue to feel better and better and better and all of those areas.
00:26:32:04 – 00:26:50:11
The ripple effect of change also occurs, and we begin to then attract more and more and more better and better, better things and all of those areas and continue to to rise upward and that trajectory. So yes, I don’t think there’s a reason not to practice Reiki, and I think everyone should do it.
00:26:50:11 – 00:27:04:00
And there is a level one and two practitioner or at least level one. Yeah, just because it’s such a powerful practice just for yourself. Yeah, especially right now, with everything going on in COVID, the world is so heavy we all need a little more lightness.
00:27:04:00 – 00:27:16:11
We all need a little more love. And you know, I see it as almost pure love vibration, pure love energy. You’re you’re channeling pure love when you’re doing it and when you’re receiving it. That’s often what you feel.
00:27:16:11 – 00:27:34:11
So who doesn’t need that? Oh, I almost see it as kind of like an energy version of a massage, right? You go. And it’s just a way to get relief from the tension and the stress and the pressure that that we’re in.
00:27:34:16 – 00:27:49:04
And I see kind of the same impact almost for Reiki as you would get from a massage where it’s it’s it’s almost like a reinvigoration. Yeah, absolutely, that’s a really good way of putting it. I like the term energetic massage.
00:27:49:12 – 00:28:05:08
Yes, people do often. one of the misconceptions is that it’s very similar to a massage and that there’s physical contact happening. I think especially because a lot of the pictures, you know, there’s like hands hovering, but you can’t always tell, but it’s definitely not a massage.
00:28:06:05 – 00:28:19:07
And it’s, you know, the energy is also not your own. So I think that’s another common misconception that the energy is coming from the practitioner. But one of the things I always say in my at the beginning is that I’m not giving that person any of my energy.
00:28:19:07 – 00:28:45:20
I’m not taking on any of theirs. There’s a boundary there. I’m not. I actually feel like that’s inappropriate when people try to wear co-mingle that it’s tapping into something that’s bigger and something that. Bigger and stronger than all of us, it’s tapping into that, you know, universal life, force, energy or other key, et cetera.
00:28:46:09 – 00:29:07:20
Mm-Hmm. Now you mentioned that your personal difficulties of suffering through Lyme disease, and I know that there was a period of misdiagnosis in your past that really created a lot of pain and frustration for you and that this was foundational to arriving where you are today.
00:29:07:24 – 00:29:27:02
I wonder, how do you see the progression of that path and why did you why do you think? That suffering that you went through that challenge brought you into becoming a Reiki master and all the other roles that you play to help people on their spiritual journey.
00:29:28:23 – 00:29:38:09
I think for me, it was my it was meant to happen, it was my destiny, it was part of what I would have never ended up here. If it weren’t for what I went through, I wouldn’t have been seeking so many other answers.
00:29:38:20 – 00:29:52:17
I did travel to India, Nepal and Tibet and started studying these things before I knew I had. I was so sick in 2010 was when I was bit by the tick and was first diagnosed. I had the bull’s eye rash and everything.
00:29:53:01 – 00:30:11:04
And so they put me on some antibiotics and then told me I should be fine. I was in my mid twenties, early twenties and was like, OK and just went on with my life. Yeah. And shortly after that was when I took this big trip and had deepened my studying in yoga and meditation.
00:30:11:09 – 00:30:27:18
I started studying Iyer Veda, which I was introduced to while I was there. I spent a lot of time and I spent time in Tibet and Indian monasteries and just enriching my my spiritual life through so much ancient wisdom that I had never heard of before.
00:30:28:04 – 00:30:42:24
And there was something about it that just resonated with me. You know, I couldn’t deny the way I felt in this knowing of, you know, this is this is truth, and I felt it in my body. And you know, there was just it completely, completely shifted me.
00:30:43:15 – 00:30:56:18
So it was that was kind of the starting point. And then after that, when I came back to the United States, it was at that time I had moved out to Seattle, and that was about when I started to find myself really, really sick in 2012.
00:30:56:18 – 00:31:11:22
Things just and random things happening and then just kept getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. I went through a lot of misdiagnosis, and then it took all the way until 2018 for them to figure out that I still had Lyme disease from 2004.
00:31:12:12 – 00:31:29:03
And so during that time, they basically nobody knew what was wrong with me. I had misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis and nothing was helping. And so I was really frustrated and started to seek other answers. And I knew, you know, I had started planning those seeds already with the yoga meditation.
00:31:29:03 – 00:31:49:16
And I are Veda and I just went right down the right partners and jumped. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I dove into all of the modalities and all of the all of the tools, and now I’ve kind of streamlined, you know, I brought it all in, and that’s one of the things I like about the work that I do
00:31:49:16 – 00:32:03:20
because I’ve studied so many different, different things that I can kind of bring them together and realize where there are synchronicities and give people tools to help them where they are because we’re all different too. We all need different things.
00:32:04:05 – 00:32:16:14
And so that’s what you feel about this. There’s different things that might work for different people, and you have to ultimately, no matter where you are on your journey, whether you’re healing from something or not, find what works for you.
00:32:16:23 – 00:32:40:23
Yeah, yeah. So when it comes to becoming a Reiki master, what is the progression along the path of learning reiki understanding and starting to practice it and then qualifying to become a teacher or whatever the path is? Yes.
00:32:41:10 – 00:32:55:02
So you start with Reiki level one, which is practicing on yourself. Mm-Hmm. And then you move on to practicing and being able to practice on your friends and family and then being able to take clients and use it on your pets as well.
00:32:55:11 – 00:33:12:10
So in the first one, you can practice on yourself, close friends and family, you’re more casually. But then when you get your second level practitioner, you can also practice on clients and you don’t take money and add it to your modalities that you may offer an existing business, or you can also use it in a lot of
00:33:12:10 – 00:33:29:14
other practices. You know, I think for anyone that wants to bring more positivity and light to anything that you do, yeah, you’re a leader in a business. It’s going to improve communication and your ability to create positive environments in the in the workforce.
00:33:29:19 – 00:33:44:05
Yeah, if you’re a teacher, you know, it’s going to help you with also creating that positive calm environment and in school or with your students. If you’re a cook, you know, they say, if you’re cook, you can actually infuse the energy in your food.
00:33:44:14 – 00:33:59:15
And it’s funny. I’ve heard I’ve heard rumors of myths about restaurant owner like in a restaurant that they have a reiki chef and it’s like they’re sold out. They’re just always sold out. So Reiki could be B for anyone, especially in those first two levels.
00:33:59:15 – 00:34:13:18
You know, you could use it for anything but to become a master. You’re a little more invested in the first thing you can do each one in a day. Reiki level one is one day reiki. Level two is another full day, and then there’s a lot of reading material and other other things.
00:34:14:04 – 00:34:30:06
And then you have to practice for six months at minimum before you can become a master. Okay. Mm-Hmm. Now it’s much more intense. You know what was three days of full sunup to sundown training? And it’s pretty. It’s pretty exhausting.
00:34:30:06 – 00:34:53:07
Actually, it’s a lot of a lot of work, a lot of energy being a lot of mental energy and your own healing, that’s happening as well. When you’re when you’re doing it. But. I imagine when you take on that title of Reiki Master, I mean, you have a certain commitment, an obligation to the people that that are
00:34:53:07 – 00:35:22:16
hiring you to. I don’t know, I imagine that there must be. What do I even asking, I guess? How how do you manage the quality of the work that you do with people? How does someone make sure that they are truly being a high quality practitioner of Reiki for their clients?
00:35:24:01 – 00:35:49:12
How do you manage your own energetic hygiene and your own vibration so that you are meeting this commitment to quality for your clients? Great question. And that’s it’s basically minding my own energy. You know, if I need to be a clean portal and vessel to be able to tap into it and feel like I’m doing my best
00:35:49:12 – 00:36:01:04
and to deliver my best. So it’s really important for me to do all the things that I do every day to every day and every week. I have a lot of ritual, so you probably don’t want me to name them all.
00:36:03:01 – 00:36:14:23
I have like, I mean, so many teas and herbs and different things that I use. Most of them you can get on my website, though, are pharmacy dot com. And then my shop. Or you can go directly to the shop dot artisan pharmacy, dot com.
00:36:15:06 – 00:36:34:21
And a lot of what I use is there everything from, you know, dry brushing tools to keep my lymphatic system healthy to jade rollers, to keep my skin healthy, to all those herbs and nutrients and vitamins and and things that I take to keep my physical body healthy and to keep my Lyme symptoms, my chronic Lyme symptoms
00:36:34:21 – 00:36:52:03
in remission. Yeah. And then, you know, oils and sprays and sages and all of that good stuff. I also use a lot of innovative practices and shamanic practices that might be a little more unfamiliar to people. So I mentioned them.
00:36:52:03 – 00:37:08:16
And if anyone wants to know more, please email me. You can do your own research, but if you will email me, I will. I’ll also shoot some things your way. And those are things like nausea oil. So it’s some it’s oil drops that you put in your nose, and that’s for, you know, this entire area.
00:37:08:19 – 00:37:26:22
The third eye also penny opening the pineal gland or activating your third eye energy, which you may or may not be familiar with. And, you know, different massage oils as well. And then some shamanic tools like Rappelé, which is, are you familiar with that?
00:37:27:01 – 00:37:44:02
Oh, tell me about it. It’s an ancient like. It uses tobacco, but like pure tobacco and some other herbs, and it’s mixed by different shamanic tribes. And then you can you can use it yourself. And it’s also something that goes up your nose.
00:37:44:02 – 00:38:04:09
It’s one of the ways that herbs and different. What’s the word I want? I want to use. You’re using either oils or herbs. I know it’s something that a lot of Westerners are like. Kind of. Mm-Hmm. Maybe you would shy away from or be unfamiliar with because you don’t use a lot of things in our nose.
00:38:04:18 – 00:38:22:12
Now, you know, that’s usually drugs. If you’re trying to speak for yourself, career, most people associate it. Most people associate it with something negative. But it’s actually one of the ways that things can permeate the blood brain barrier and get into our system the fastest.
00:38:22:21 – 00:38:34:08
And so it’s interesting that a lot of ancient practices use those kinds of tools. So I do, I do all kind of stuff. And then obviously meditation and yoga and self reiki. I do reiki on myself as well.
00:38:34:17 – 00:38:53:24
Getting outside, though, that’s something that’s like the simplest way you can improve your energy and. Shift into a more positive state, so that’s a lot of things. Yeah. Can you give can you recommend a couple of of ways that people can manage their own energy?
00:38:54:00 – 00:39:15:02
You talked about going outside, getting in the sun for a little bit of time. What are some other ways you know, for me, I know that there are certain TV that I can’t watch. There’s there’s certain types of TV programs that really stick to me, like a like a like a scam and they affect my energy.
00:39:15:02 – 00:39:37:06
And, you know, so that’s that’s one way that I try to manage my energy is is by controlling what I’m exposed to as far as entertainment. What are some other practices that you would recommend to listeners? I’m actually so glad that you brought that up because it’s really important in a world full of over stimulus and we’re
00:39:37:06 – 00:39:51:22
surrounded by technology and we don’t always can always control that right or we can. But we have we have to be able to make the decision. OK, yes. What do I want in my energy field? What do I actually want to expose my myself to?
00:39:52:03 – 00:40:09:17
We can’t control that technology exists, and we’re going have to be on social media and be someone involved, and we’re going to go on the internet. We’re going to see some news but control the things that you can make sure you’re following positive people that uplift you and make you feel good in your news block.
00:40:10:00 – 00:40:21:19
Change your home page so you’re not surrounded by negative news all the time and limit the time that you allow yourself to be exposed to what’s going on in the world and media that might impact you. Don’t do it before bed.
00:40:22:06 – 00:40:39:09
Yeah, a different time of the day and limited things even like blocking notifications that might come in, that might be disruptive. I think the biggest thing is noticing in yourself what what is making me feel good? What is makes me feel bad.
00:40:40:03 – 00:40:51:01
And that’s that’s the basic what makes me feel good? What makes you feel bad? Something makes you feel bad. Try to get that out of your life. Something makes you feel good. Try to include more of it. The best you can.
00:40:51:14 – 00:41:14:01
Yeah. You know, for me, I I’ve gone through a series of changing my news providers from in the past. You know, I was exposed to so much. Drama in the headlines, and it like you said it, it just feels gross.
00:41:14:02 – 00:41:32:02
It feels gross. It does not feel good. And so I found that four and I can only speak for me. I’m not. But for me, I found that when I was reading the headlines on my CNN app that there was a lot of emotional words being used.
00:41:32:09 – 00:41:48:04
And so I started to do some research. And from CNN, I moved to NPR, which had a slightly softer tone to the headlines because I don’t necessarily read news articles. I just scroll through the headlines to know what’s happening around the world.
00:41:48:07 – 00:42:07:20
But even the headlines were too much for me on the CNN app. And then but I found that NPR also I found myself less and less satisfied with it. And I eventually landed at Reuters. Oh man. So I use journeys.
00:42:08:06 – 00:42:26:12
Yes. I mean, like, like snore, snow or snore. The most boring news source in the world. Reuters. But that’s the point. The point is that I want to know if you know, I want to know what’s happening, but I don’t want to be emotionally manipulated for clicks and things.
00:42:26:13 – 00:42:52:05
And so that has also, in addition to TV, been an important part. And I love that you mentioned managing your news intake because, yeah, it’s it’s it’s a machine. It absolutely is. And fear is what sells. So it’s important to remember that since advertisers paid the news sources, so I’ve actually balanced I’ve I’ve also changed a lot
00:42:52:05 – 00:43:10:20
of where I stay pretty well-rounded of just understanding what the what different demographics are saying. But I have switched a lot of my information from it to real people like I always, I always verify things, or that’s where I sort of balance out the tide because you can usually believe, like my mom always told me, growing up
00:43:10:21 – 00:43:27:01
, like 50% of what happened, what people say is probably the truth. And if there’s two things on the opposite, you’re probably somewhere right in the middle. To me, that’s a great way of kind of taking a taking a scoop or so and then deciding, OK, probably somewhere right around here and hearing from real people.
00:43:27:07 – 00:43:40:05
I love it with social media. That’s something we didn’t have the ability to do before to see what’s happening in the real world from real people all over the world. Yes. And so I always I always liked her to do that as well.
00:43:40:14 – 00:44:07:04
I agree. Wonderful. So if listeners want to learn more about you, what you offer, they want to learn about reiki and energy work. How can they better explore that? I’ll head over to my website, which is artisan pharmacy spelled R T, I say, and then pharmacy with an f f a R M AC Y dot com and
00:44:07:04 – 00:44:19:14
I have a lot of information there in the menu bar. At the top there’s you can just hit Reiki and then there’s a dropdown with my reiki, one on one to book and more information about the Reiki certification, which is coming up.
00:44:19:15 – 00:44:37:13
I have a one in two certification coming up in the middle of March, so I’m doing, you know, information calls for that right now. If anybody’s interested in learning more, let’s hop on the phone for one of those calls, and that’d be a great way to just ask any questions and get any more clarification.
00:44:38:13 – 00:44:56:19
I also have a lot of information on my website. Mm-Hmm. Reiki organization those are some other great ways to just start to deepen, deepen your knowledge about Reiki in particular. Thank you so much for sharing this broad wealth of information that you have.
00:44:56:19 – 00:45:12:17
I mean, you’ve dedicated so much time and effort to to delivering this, this offering to the world, and I just appreciate you being so generous with that information. Oh, my gosh, thanks for having me and giving me an opportunity to share.
00:45:13:13 – 00:45:30:10
I really believe at this time in the world and everything that we’re going through that there’s never been more important time for this knowledge to get out there. Yes. And for people to have more tools to to take their power back and to spread peace and love.
00:45:30:19 – 00:45:47:06
Right. Spreading peace and love to others is is so important right now, and we all have the power to be that beacon of light to our families and our friendships and our communities. And any relationship in anything we speak to others.
00:45:47:06 – 00:45:59:12
We we have that ability and and that power to be the type of people that empower other people. Yes. And we need more of that. We need a lot more of that right now. So start to shift this tide.
00:45:59:12 – 00:46:14:03
And I know that we will and I completely believe that we can and that it will happen. But if it’s ever something you’ve thought about or that resonated with you, start to dig deeper. That’s right. That’s right. You’re speaking my language now, Kareen.
00:46:14:03 – 00:46:32:05
I love it. I actually started with that. Everyone thinks the chaos, but never needed anything more than peace and power. That’s right, exactly. That’s and, you know, that’s what our insides are guiding us to do. That’s what our inner wisdom is asking us to do.
00:46:32:17 – 00:46:47:01
It’s that’s you mentioned earlier, if something feels bad, reduce its presence in your life. If something feels nourishing, increase its presence in your life. That’s what it comes down to. You know, let me, you know, honor those signals.
00:46:47:01 – 00:46:59:09
We have to enrich our experience. That’s right. And we, you know, we talk about all these. I gave you that list of official tools that I use just, you know, I know people really like to hear those things.
00:46:59:09 – 00:47:11:23
If there’s something, if you are always looking for four different things that they can do. But honestly, some of the best things that we can do to improve our joy is the basics, like hugging someone you love. Call them on the phone.
00:47:12:07 – 00:47:29:06
Get outside in nature. Hug a tree. I hug a lot of trees. There’s an instant, instant change. They have studied the way the impact on our nervous system, at our heart rate and our own electromagnetic field. When you put your hands on a tree, tune into the pulse in your hands and how it changes.
00:47:29:15 – 00:47:42:21
Yeah, there is a palpable difference. And I think anyone can feel that. Or the wind on your face, the sun on your face. I know it’s caught in a lot of the world right now. But you know, those are those are laugh with your kids play.
00:47:42:22 – 00:48:00:11
Forget about forget about work for a little while. Do your favorite thing that’s running eating a delicious meal. You know it doesn’t matter what it is laying in your bed, just doing nothing. It doesn’t. The answer doesn’t always have to be something like meditation or yoga or, you know, a specific practice.
00:48:00:11 – 00:48:17:06
Sometimes it’s just enjoying your life and taking the time to allow yourself to do that. That’s powerful, that’s powerful. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in to this episode of Refractive, remember that you can reach Corene at Hello@ArtisanFarmacy.com
00:48:17:10 – 00:48:34:17
That’s FARMACY. And if you have any questions for me, also, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can find my information in the show notes. As you go out in the world and you encounter people who might be struggling throughout their day, always take advantage of the opportunity to aim your light.