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Fatherhood and Spirituality with author Tim Olson

Fatherhood and Spirituality with author Tim Olson
Fatherhood and Spirituality with author Tim Olson

On this episode of Refractive, Fatherhood and Spirituality with author Tim Olson, we discuss the intersection of childhood experiences, family structures, societal norms, and gender roles on those of us who are walking a spiritual path. Tim, who has dedicated much of his life to studying and observing father-child relationships, shares his considerable wisdom on how fathers can impact our growth, our worldview, our motivators, and ultimately our sense of self. Learn more about Tim and his book The Legacy of Absence:  Resolving the Wounds from Uninvolved Father in Individuals, Families, and Society by visiting

For any questions or for information on booking host Johnny Guidry for speaking engagements, workshop facilitation, or for spiritual or other coaching services, reach out to

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